About Jesus Diaries

“Jesus Saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me”
John 14:6

Jesus Diaries are more than a diary, but a holy book which treats you to a biblical verse on each page of it. It’s a must have for a staunch believer as it will help to keep a record of their daily chores and stay close to god throughout.

Diaries are memories. We read diaries to revisit the old times. Diaries must last. Jesus Diaries are printed on finest materials in the best machines. Jesus Diaries come in 2 sizes, Executive and A5 Size. Each leaf of the diary has one verse from bible. Jesus Diaries carry a bible reading plan to guide reader to complete bible reading in one year of six months. It is Jesus Diaries also print and supply scribbling pads.

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